7212 Spring Farm Cares
Nature Sanctuary
March 13, 2022

7212 Spring Farm Cares
Nature Sanctuary
March 13, 2022

Write-up: Deb and Joe Cantales
Leader: Joe Cantales
Co-Leader: Deb Cantales


Spring Farm CARES Nature Sanctuary is across the road from the Animal Sanctuary.  The temperature was in the mid-thirties with sun and blue skies. We had 35 on the hike (including Matt Perry and Julia from Spring Farm CARES). I included the following information from the Spring Farm Cares web site for review:

The Spring Farm CARES Nature Sanctuary

Our Mission

  • To preserve and restore natural habitat and to promote native biodiversity using only ethical, humane, and organic methods.
  • To reestablish native plants and herbs especially, but not limited to, those that are considered to be uncommon or at risk of extinction.
  • To restore the amazing natural diversity that once existed in the northeastern hardwood forests.
  • To create and maintain habitat for wildlife, especially for native animals considered to be “threatened” or “endangered”.
  • To educate the public on the importance of maintaining and protecting natural ecosystems.
  • To provide a working example of a nature sanctuary that utilizes only ethical, humane, and organic management techniques.

Today’s hike left many with chin in hand asking, “what kind of tree is that”? A popular method to identify trees is with the use of technology and an app that identifies tree species through cell phone photos. With that said, “I’m still impressed we have people that can look at and identify trees by sight”. Matt Perry and other members of the Tramp and Trail club still have this gift I’m happy to report. Unlike some hikes that might have your eyes searching (sudden panic) for the trail, the hike was a casual snowshoe in fresh snow.

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