7329 Inman Gulf
January 28, 2023

7329 Inman Gulf
January 28, 2023

Write-up: Bobbie Scarpino
Leader: Bobbie Scarpino
Co-Leader: Nancy Agen

Six on snowshoes and three on skis trekked into the Tug Hill State Forest. By breaking trail we made our way to “Times Square” and on to the ridge along the Inman Gulf. We found a nice lunch spot complete with a picnic table, grill (we forgot the hot dogs), and swing.

Lots of fluffy snow covered the trees and the trails making it a winter wonderland. A few tricky hills presented a challenge for the skiers!  The 5-mile loop felt more like 8 miles by the time we were done! A stop at Jeb’s in Lowville for food and refreshment restored our energy long enough to make the hour drive home.

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