7468 Gull Lake
March 10, 2024

7468 Gull Lake
March 10, 2024

Write-up: Lisa Lucas-Myers

Leader: Lisa Lucas-Myers

Co-Leader: Peter Baildon

While others were basking in feet of snow at Camp Fowler, we had the “gull” to take a different path. The trek to the lake was lightly dusted with snow like a powdered-sugar donut. We reached the lean-to after a one hour and fifteen minute walk where Paul managed to find trail treasure.

The lake was thawed, serene and whisper quiet. The leader and co-leader facilitated a reasonable break and set the group out for the longer and wetter balance of the loop. With the several “ponds” encountered, it was surprising that there were no sea gulls to be discovered given the name of the lake.  Fellow hikers were heard to say “this has been a great hike!”, even so. It might have been the beaver hut we saw or the promise of peanut M & M’s. At the four-hour mark, we arrived at our vehicles with various mileages of 8.5 to 9 miles and a 100% return rate. 

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