7142 Deansboro Trail
August 15, 2021

7142 Deansboro Trail
August 15, 2021

Write-up: Mark and Margaret Decker

Leader: Mike Huss

Co-Leader: Janice Huss

Twenty-two of us hiked 6.5 miles on a beautiful sunny day, walking from the railroad depot in Deansboro to rte. 12B and rte. 233. 

We came across a field of sunflowers grown by Final Touch landscape.  Along the trail were little fairy houses painted by someone.  Of course the tramps wanted to stop at the “Boro” bar for a refreshing drink.

A great day!

Mark and Margaret Decker


And Jim Waz’s 2 cents:

We were greeted by the smiling sunflower faces being grown at  Final Touch Landscaping where you can purchase sunflowers for a dollar a head. If interested go to their Facebook page. Thanks to Margaret and Mark for a really nice hike.

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