7352 Kirkland Woods
April 8, 2023

7352 Kirkland Woods
April 8, 2023

Write-up: Meg Higgerson
Leader: Meg Higgerson
Co-Leader: Lu Blanchard

The sun was shining brightly on this day before Easter as 30 tramps set off on an Easter egg hunt.   It appeared to the hikers that this mischievous Easter Bunny started to take off at a run dropping eggs here and there. Then, perhaps because of the serious chill in the air, a sense of urgency to be other places, or the lure of carrots and deviled eggs, the rabbit gave up the egg distribution!

In spite of this disappointment, the Tramps continued on their hike into the woods, down into Root Glen, all around Sylvia Saunders peony patch and then back up into  Kirkland forest’s many rolling hills and sometimes muddy or washed out trails.

As we returned to the cars, we were shocked to see rabbit footprints leading to the hike leader’s car.  Lo and behold, the Rabbit had hidden the majority of the eggs in the car!

After we distributed those eggs, 9 who were now fortified with sugar, continued back into the woods on the Pontiac trail for an additional couple of miles finding living room furniture and lawn chairs along with the (1958?) Pontiac!  All told we hiked 5.8 miles!

The group then continued on to a local watering hole looking for the famous rabbit.

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