7353 Mohegan Lake April 15, 2023

7353 Mohegan Lake April 15, 2023

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski
Leader: Jim Wasielewski
Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski

Twenty-two Tramps negotiated the closed road to the Great Camp Sagamore to enjoy a beautiful weather hiking day.

We did not get arrested at Camp Uncas, neither did we get access…however the caretakers provided us with some interesting facts about the camp and were very friendly as Doug got a ride in the 4-wheeler.

The Scout Trail which in previous years was difficult to find is now clearly marked.
A group of tramps went on a hike towards Mohegan Lake they did strike passing by Camps Sagamore, Kill Kare, and Uncas once more on a sunny day, what a delight!

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