7363 Tirrell Pond & Mountain
May 13, 2023

7363 Tirrell Pond & Mountain
May 13, 2023

Eight ventured into the Blue Mt. Wild Forest area for a billed 8 to 9 mile hike to Tirrell Mt, which turned into 12 miles.  This was a Tramp hybrid hike that consisted of about 7.5 on the trail and the rest bushwhacking.

Black flies were tolerable with the appropriate gear and even better when there was  wind.   We stopped at the first lean-to for a break and then headed to the Tirrell Mt. double summit.

We knew it was going to be rough, when Paul put pants on, long sleeve shirt and limbered up.  The rope attached to his pack was a red flag too.    The trek was rough, but we make both summits, and then made our way to the cliffs that were visible from the lake.

Once at the cliffs we had incredible views of Tirrell Pond, Blue Mt., and Buck Mt.  Coming off the mountain, you make your way down however you felt comfortable, following either GPS or compass.  All of us made it to the lake to watch Paully partake in his ritually cold water immersion therapy.  Great group, great laughs.  Falls, cuts and getting scratched up were all a part of the adventure.

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