7367 Nelson Lake Loop
May 27, 2023

7367 Nelson Lake Loop
May 27, 2023

Write-up: Greg Sipp
Leader: Greg Sipp
Co-Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Ten showed up on a gorgeous day for the 11-mile hike.  The initial 2 miles of the hike was what Paul called “a torrent pace”.  Due to the multiple complaints of the pace, the co-leader assumed the role of leader for the next 3 miles.  This was his attempt to bring the pace down to a more leisurely one.  

The hike was filled with finding trail treasures, laughing, and especially eating.  I had to look at the hike write-up to see if the description included frequent eating stops.  It didn’t matter. 

Wrapping up the hike, Paul, Lisa and Jiao all waded in the lake for the benefits of cold water therapy. Feeling refreshed, about the last mile, the group felt compelled to break out into the song from the 59th Street Bridge, “Slow Down, You Move too Fast”, which is on Instagram.  Apparently, cardio hike was nowhere on the schedule either.

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