7376 Wilcox Lake
June 24, 2023

7376 Wilcox Lake
June 24, 2023

Write-up: Paul Sirtoli
Leader: Paul Sirtoli
Co-Leader: Darlene Whitaker

I cannot verify this assertion, but I’m thinking this is a historical Tramp first where there were more participants on a difficult hike to Wilcox Lake(7) compared to the easy SUNY walk (6).  Either many tramps are getting stronger or maybe the easy hikes are just too easy? And, three people bowed out from the difficult hike due to time constraints regarding the length of day.
Despite the dire forecast, the rain mostly held off until we arrived at the second lean-to, which, by its appearance, looked relatively new. The first lean-to, as indicated by the Lake George/ Sacandaga Lake National Geographic map, was no-where to be found. 
Canoes with oars were available for use on the shore by the lean-to, but the threat of rain discouraged paddling.
The troop – Carolyn, Dave, Darlene, Lisa, Doug, Nancy hustled out under a steady deluge, eagerly anticipating our tail gate party. That turned into a picnic in Dave’s truck.
Our hike of 12-miles, with some minor whacking thrown in for excitement, took just about six hours.
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