7386 Seventh Lake Paddle
July 15, 2023

7386 Seventh Lake Paddle
July 15, 2023

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski
Leader: Jim Wasielewski
Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski

The humanity in Old Forge and Inlet were swarming like vultures on the carcass of a spectacular summer day. After passing through the carnage of the villages we were primed to be road kill as the parking area was inundated with all kinds of vehicles necessitating us to off load our watercraft on Rt 28. Our kayak sherpa, Dave, provided the Herculean muscle uploading and downloading vessels,  2 and 3 simultaneously, sometimes with paddlers still in them. Exuberance, yes, but well appreciated.

The after party was at the Bavarian Festival where 17  Tramps attended enjoying the music, food and drink.

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