7439 Nick’s to Nelson Lake
December 17, 2023

7439 Nick’s to Nelson Lake
December 17, 2023

Write-up: Doug Wasielewski via Jim Wasielewski

Leader: Doug Wasielewski

Co-Leader: Tom Smith

I received this writeup and photos from the hike leader, who just happens to be my brother. While he was out there enjoying himself with the lovely ladies, I was doing my annual Christmas penance with my inlaws.

After describing a sloppy muddy pre-hike to the brave souls who showed up to tackle the Nick’s to Nelson Trail, the six of us promptly decided that an alternative route around Nick’s Lake was a better idea. We were pleasantly surprised to find the trail to be mostly clear of snow and mud. It was an uneventful and enjoyable hike. Decent weather, good trail conditions, great company!!

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