7450 Chateaugay State Forest
January 20, 2024

7450 Chateaugay State Forest
January 20, 2024

Write-up: Bobbie Scarpino

Leader: Bobbie Scarpino

Co-Leader: Peter Franz

Was it cold? Yes!!! Single digits! Was there snow? Yes!!! About 12-18″ of fluffy white stuff. A dozen hardy Tramps trekked the beautiful Chateaugay State Forest on snowshoes Saturday. Following a set of ski tracks into the woods, we all warmed up quickly, as one by one, people took turns breaking trail. The trails must have been made by elves, specifically Keebler Elves.

Most likely they live on the Elf Trail that we didn’t take. But we discovered the Keebler Trail and their hollow tree with a package of Keebler Elf cookies! Yum! The trail numbers don’t match the map, but Dave’s GPS kept us pointed in the correct direction, most of the time.

A major stream crossing, not frozen, was a bit of a challenge, but all made it across without mishap. After about 4.75 mi. of trekking, we made it back to our vehicles. Before departing, a few snow angels were left for the elves.

Back in Rome, a stop at the Copper City Brewery made a great ending to the day!  Thank you to all of you that broke trail!!! And Peter for sort of co-leading!

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