7315 Neejer Hill
December 10, 2022

7315 Neejer Hill
December 10, 2022

Leader – Paul Sirtoli
Co-leader: Greg Sipp
Write up –  Paul Sirtoli
Photo Credit – Greg Sipp
Leave it to the hearty tramps to flex out and go with the new flow for a hike.  By popular consent, and with “middle aged” enthusiastic vigor, our group of twelve thought it was a great idea to visit Bear Lake following our successful bushwhack to both the 1,965-foot Neejer Hill summit, as well as the steep escarpment on its west flank.
The open forested escarpment was characterized by several unique cliff formations, and given the time of year, we were afforded decent limited views of the Bear Creek Valley and landscape to the west.
Truthfully, since two major streams that were running high and fast had to be crossed to visit Coleman Dam, the planned loop had to be modified. Besides, as it was discovered later in the trip, the insufficiently marked “trail” between the Woodhull jeep road and Bear Lake was in a near total state of disrepair. Facing a two-mile potential bushwhack with problematic stream crossings in the mid-afternoon was not enticing.
Bear Lake was in its initial stage of being frozen over; certainly unsafe to walk on.  Unable to cross Bear Creek to visit the lean-to, the group had their major lunch break on the sunlit shore of the lake.
The publicized distance of eight miles morphed into a 10+ mile, six-hour hike. No one seemed to care on a wonderful day replete with bountiful sunshine, no wind, and hearty camaraderie. Embezzled cookies from the
prior night Tramp Christmas party was shared by Sir Tom, to the delight of all.


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